Friday, November 20, 2009


Our skin need a break, please!
Do not torture your skin.
We only have a/once life span.
Youth only once.
So while our age passby, we need to take extra care.
Intake of food, how much nutrient intake daily…etc
So how about your skin?
Yes, we need to take care of our skin as well.
Now in 21century, chemical pollution is getting more and more serious.
Our skin is absorbing it.
Mask our face daily isn’t enough, you need a good nutrients food for your face which is ampoules being form.

One of the best ampoules that is widely used by big small beauty salons and makeup artists.
Affordable but high grade quality that you cannot missed!
(Not those made in Malaysia or can be widely bought online)
100% Authentic! Not FAKES!

Difference between Made in Germany and Formulated in Germany

Alot of people are enquiring what are the difference between


FORUMLATED in Germany ones are mostly packing in Msia, thats why the prices are lower than those Made in Germany. A lot of people are unaware of this.

Facial salon and Make-Up Artist are charging $30 and higher. Why not get your own ampoules at SGD5 per vial.
If you are serious on tackling/ improving certain area, we recommended that you try out @ least 3 vials of the same type for maximum effect. They can be used daily to achieve best results.

Apply ampoule before applying mask for better results.

** Tip: Store new ampoules in the fridge, it will feel cooling on face during usuage

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